Sparking Change

Mosaīq creates transformative learning experiences for businesses, decision-makers and opinion leaders. Through international seminars, our participants interact with the most promising startups, agile enterprises, experts, entrepreneurs and visionary millennials in mind-blowing environments. These expeditions generate game-changing ideas within the group of participants and are the only platform to reflect, anticipate and cope with the challenges of the fast-changing world.

Head of Human Ressources // Nestlé Health Switzerland

Anneke Verheul

Nestlé at Household


“I managed to complete at least a month of work in 7 days”

Bozhanka Vitanova on her IMPROVE week, a special seminar co-organized by Mosaīq for the Global Shapers community


The Mosaīq Community

Mosaīq brings together enthusiasts, experts, entrepreneurs and large organizations around innovation. Join our network, propose your ideas, perspectives, experiences and be part of our events.

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